[ Hi ]

The FORUM is ShibuMaku’s monthly English newspaper that was founded in 2014 to encourage eager writers to express themselves. We aimed to create and distribute content that appeals to fellow students. After many iterations, we conceived a monthly English newspaper format that is designed to be both content-rich and easy to read. Our first issue was printed in January 2015.

The FORUM is edited and published by the Newspaper Society of ShibuMaku (NeSS). Learn More

[ Our Mission ]

ShibuMaku students are a diverse group of people. We have lived in various countries and have been influenced by different cultures. We have different perspectives, opinions, and ideals. Here’s a chance to bring them together.

Groups of people have tried too many times in the past to bind others to their creeds. Prejudices and misunderstandings between religions, cultures, and races are often at the core of wars and conflicts. Knowing and accepting our differences are the first steps towards harmony and mutual understanding. The ideal society is one that is united in its diversity. Our goal is building this society in ShibuMaku.

[ Manifesto ]

We are The FORUM

The FORUM will always report the news
YOU want to hear

The FORUM will Read, Edit, and Publish

The FORUM respects

The FORUM is
written by STUDENTS
edited by STUDENTS
published by STUDENTS

[ Our Club ]

Our club, the Newspaper Society of ShibuMaku (NeSS), consists of highly motivated members who are deeply passionate about building a platform for students to express their views and opinions.

We meet once a week to discuss the content and editing for our next issue.

The FORUM is published once a month. For each issue, we go through a process of writing, interviews, editing, formatting, and publishing.

The newspaper is then folded and distributed to students.

If you are interested in our club, please see Contact for more information.

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