開校時に定められた理念は、今日まで脈々と引き継がれ、色あせることがありません。むしろ複雑で予測が難しいこの時代においては、一層深い意味を持ち始めています。渋谷幕張はこれからも開かれた自由な気風の学校として、多様な「未来からの留学生」 をお迎えします。
校長 田村 聡明
When Chancellor, and former Principal of ShibuMaku, Tetsuo Tamura founded the school in 1983, he anticipated that the 21st century would bring a globalized society. To adequately prepare our students for such a society, Chancellor Tamura set three educational goals: (1) to develop the ability to think independently; (2) to cultivate the qualities of an international person; and, (3) to cultivate a high sense of ethics. He referred to the incoming students as “students from the 21st century.”
In order to play an active role in a diverse society, Chancellor Tamura knew that our students would have to cultivate a respect for diversity because traditional Japanese values are not necessarily the norm. He also recognized that to thrive in such a society, it is necessary to objectively understand yourself and have the independence to think for yourself. This requires you to learn about yourself. During this process of self-discovery, it is important to be interested in others and to recognize the differences between you and others as this allows you to build acceptance. For these reasons, we have actively recruited Returnees and international students since the school’s opening, and have also conducted numerous overseas study programs.
The expression “ShibuMaku-style freedom,” arose spontaneously among the students. This expression perfectly symbolizes the way our students pursue freedom while respecting the dignity and rights of the individual and recognizing each other. Our school is a place where students can experience diversity, learn values different from their own, and transform themselves into more globalized citizens. We provide every possible opportunity for students to find guiding principles for the rest of their lives while also being excited about their school life.
The philosophy established by Chancellor Tamura at the time of the school’s opening has grown more vibrant over the years. In fact, in these complicated and unpredictable times, it has taken on an even deeper meaning.
Shibuya Makuhari will continue to be a school with an open and free spirit that actively seeks a diverse range of “students from the future.”
Toshiaki Tamura
Principal of Shibuya Kyoiku Gakuen Makuhari Junior & Senior High School