November 2nd, 11th Annual All Chiba High School English Debate Tournament

Shibuya Makuhari’s English Debate club can add another feather to its cap. On the 2nd of November, five students won the 11th Annual All Chiba High School English Debate Tournament and earned their ticket to the national tournament.

English debate is an activity where students are given the opportunity to use their problem solving, logic and improvisation skills. Furthermore, students cannot just rely upon their own arguments; they must engage and convince their opponents using their ability to express their ideas. In other words, it is a social activity where students must weigh their ideas with their opponent which is a skill that is becoming increasingly important in our global society. Three of the five members of the winning team have never lived abroad and have only begun to learn English from junior high school. Shibuya Makuhari looks forward to the results of the coming all Japan tournament to be held on Christmas day.

本校のEnglish Debate部にまた新たな栄冠が輝きました。第11回千葉県高校生英語ディベート大会で優勝し、全国大会への切符を手にいれました!
English Debateにおいては、論理的で柔軟な思考力、即興性、問題解決力などが求められます。自分の知識をただ主張するだけではなく、相手の主張を理解し、そのうえで相手を説得できるだけの明快な表現力が要されます。つまり、根本は、自分が思っていることを他の人に伝えて、それに対してその人が思ったことを聞く、という社会的作業そのものです。English Debateで培われるスキルは、グローバル社会では不可欠な能力です。
今回の優勝チームメンバー5名のうち、3名は海外駐在経験がなく中学から英語を学び始めました。クリスマスに行われる全国大会をはじめ、English Debate部のますますの活躍に期待したいと思います。